IT Services
Outsourcing has been an important change in the world over the past several years due to economic changes within our country. Outsourcing your IT department can save your company both time and money. Many companies, and maybe even yours have a full-time network administrator that sits around and waits for computer issues to arise. The average salary for a network administrator in 2019 was $68,196.00; which is quite a bit of money for a small to medium-sized business. Instead of incurring that tremendous cost for one person, consider outsourcing your IT needs to
Clasp Tech for a more cost effective solution.
We match our expertise with your needs:
We can get you networking without the high costs and hassle associated with some retail sales. We can get you up and running with the right solution.
And for those technical issues that are from another software or hardware vendor, we are able to work with them to resolve or implement a solution to the problem.